Effect of Manual Lymphatic Drainage on the Concentrations of Selected Adipokines, Cytokines, C-Reactive Protein and Parameters of Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Abnormal Body Mass Index: Focus on Markers of Obesity and Insulin Resistance

Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jun 19;24(12):10338. doi: 10.3390/ijms241210338.


The aim of the study was to assess the impact of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) on the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism and the level of selected adipokines and cytokines in people with abnormal body mass index (BMI). In addition, an attempt was made to assess the optimal cut-off values of serum concentrations of the biochemical parameters studied in identifying the risk of obesity and insulin resistance (IR). The study included 60 subjects who underwent 10 and 30 min long MLD sessions three times a week. The study group included 15 patients with a normal body mass index (group I; n = 15), overweight patients (group II; n = 15) and obese patients (group III; n = 10). The control group was IV; n = 20 subjects not undergoing MLD. Biochemical tests were carried out on all subjects at stage 0′ (before MLD therapy) and at stage 1′ (one month after MLD therapy). In the control group, the time between the sample collection at stage 0′ and stage 1′ was the same as in the study group. Our results showed that 10 MLD sessions may have a positive effect on the selected biochemical parameters, including insulin, 2h-PG, leptin and HOMA-IR values in normal weight and overweight patients. In addition, in the study group, the highest AUCROC values in identifying the risk of obesity were found for leptin (AUCROC = 82.79%; cut-off = 17.7 ng/mL; p = 0.00004), insulin (AUCROC = 81.51%; cut-off = 9.5 µIU/mL; p = 0.00009) and C-peptide (AUCROC = 80.68%; cut-off = 2.3 ng/mL; p = 0.0001) concentrations as well as for HOMA-IR values (AUCROC = 79.97%; cut-off = 1.8; p = 0.0002). When considering the risk of IR, we observed the highest diagnostic value for insulin (AUCROC = 93.05%; cut-off = 1.8 ng/mL; p = 0.053), which was followed by C-peptide (AUCROC = 89.35%; cut-off = 17.7 ng/mL; p = 0.000001), leptin (AUCROC = 79.76%; cut-off = 17.6 ng/mL; p = 0.0002) and total cholesterol (AUCROC = 77.31%; cut-off = 198 mg/dL; p = 0.0008). Our results indicate that MLD may have a positive effect on selected biochemical parameters, including insulin, 2h-PG, leptin and HOMA-IR, in normal weight and overweight patients. In addition, we successfully established optimal cut-off values for leptin in the assessment of obesity and insulin in the assessment of insulin resistance in patients with abnormal body mass index. Based on our findings, we hypothesize that MLD, when combined with caloric restriction and physical activity, may serve as an effective preventive intervention against the development of obesity and insulin resistance.

PMID:37373485 | PMC:PMC10299205 | DOI:10.3390/ijms241210338

Current Concepts in the Management of Primary Lymphedema

Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 May 6;59(5):894. doi: 10.3390/medicina59050894.


Primary lymphedema is a heterogeneous group of conditions encompassing all lymphatic anomalies that result in lymphatic swelling. Primary lymphedema can be difficult to diagnose, and diagnosis is often delayed. As opposed to secondary lymphedema, primary lymphedema has an unpredictable disease course, often progressing more slowly. Primary lymphedema can be associated with various genetic syndromes or can be idiopathic. Diagnosis is often clinical, although imaging can be a helpful adjunct. The literature on treating primary lymphedema is limited, and treatment algorithms are largely based on practice patterns for secondary lymphedema. The mainstay of treatment focuses on complete decongestive therapy, including manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy. For those who fail conservative treatment, surgical treatment can be an option. Microsurgical techniques have shown promise in primary lymphedema, with both lymphovenous bypass and vascularized lymph node transfers demonstrating improved clinical outcomes in a few studies.

PMID:37241126 | PMC:PMC10222882 | DOI:10.3390/medicina59050894

The Effect of Craniofacial Manual Lymphatic Drainage after Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury

Healthcare (Basel). 2023 May 18;11(10):1474. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11101474.


Previous studies suggest that craniofacial manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) facilitates brain fluids clearance, reducing intracranial pressure and reabsorbing chronic subdural hematoma. This study aimed to explore the effect of craniofacial MLD in combination with pharmacological treatment for improving cranial pain intensity, vital signs, and cerebral edema (Hounsfield units, HUs) in moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Patient 1 received pharmacological therapy, while patient 2 received both pharmacological and craniocervical MLD treatment. Patient 2 showed decreased cranial pain intensity and systolic blood pressure (66%-11.11%, respectively) after two 30 min daily sessions of treatment for three days. HUs in the caudate nucleus of both hemispheres (left 24.64%-right 28.72%) and in the left temporal cortical gray matter increased (17.8%). An increase in HU suggests a reduction in cerebral edema and vice versa. For patient 1, there were no changes in cranial pain intensity, but a slight increase in the systolic blood pressure was observed (0%-3.27%, respectively). HUs decreased in the temporal cortical (14.98%) and caudate nucleus gray matter (9.77%) of the left and right cerebral hemispheres (11.96%-16.74%, respectively). This case study suggests that craniofacial MLD combined with pharmacological treatment could reduce cerebral edema, decrease head pain intensity, and maintain vital signs in normal physiologic values in patients with mTBI.

PMID:37239760 | PMC:PMC10218570 | DOI:10.3390/healthcare11101474

Effectiveness of Mobiderm Autofit in the Intensive Phase of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Treatment: A Case Series

Lymphat Res Biol. 2023 Dec;21(6):608-613. doi: 10.1089/lrb.2022.0079. Epub 2023 May 22.


Background: The objective of this case series was to evaluate the effectiveness of wearing Mobiderm® Autofit compressive garment as part of the complete decongestive therapy (CDT) of upper limb lymphedema. Materials and Methods: Ten women and men with stage II breast cancer-related lymphedema underwent a CDT intensive phase for 12 days, combining Mobiderm Autofit compression garment with manual lymphatic drainage. Arm volume was calculated with the truncated cone formula using circumferential measurements taken at each appointment. The pressure under the garment and the overall satisfaction of patients and physicians were also assessed. Results: The mean (standard deviation [SD]) age of the patients was 60.50 (11.70) years. The mean (SD) lymphedema excess volume decrease was 343.11 (266.14) mL, which represents a 36.68% decrease between day 1 and day 12, whereas the mean (SD) absolute volume difference was 420.03 (251.27) mL corresponding to a 10.12% decrease during this same period. The mean (SD) device pressure by using the PicoPress® was 30.01 (0.45) mmHg. The majority of patients were satisfied with the ease of use and the comfort of wearing Mobiderm Autofit. Such positive assessment was confirmed by the physicians. During this case series, no adverse event was reported. Conclusion: A lymphedema volume decrease of the upper limb was reported after 12 days of treatment with Mobiderm Autofit during the CDT intensive phase. Moreover, the device was well tolerated, and its use was appreciated by the patients and the physicians.

PMID:37219879 | PMC:PMC10753983 | DOI:10.1089/lrb.2022.0079

Lymphedema and Elephantiasis of the Lower Limbs: Normalization or Nearly Normalization

Cureus. 2023 Apr 13;15(4):e37519. doi: 10.7759/cureus.37519. eCollection 2023 Apr.


Lymphedema is a clinical condition resulting from a failure in the drainage of the lymphatic system and the consequent formation of edema and is a chronic progressive condition; its development is an active dynamic process. Physiotherapy techniques are the most widely used method for such cases. However, novel concepts and treatment techniques have emerged in recent years. Godoy & Godoy have developed novel therapy concepts proposing the normalization or near normalization of all clinical stages of lymphedema, including elephantiasis.The Godoy & Godoy method has undergone continual evolution, with the improvement of established and the emergence of novel concepts making contributions to the understanding of the causes and treatment of lymphedema. These researchers developed a novel concept of manual lymphatic drainage based on linear movements, cervical lymphatic therapy, a novel concept in mechanical lymphatic drainage, and hand-crafted stockings made with grosgrain material. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to report the new concepts of treatment for lymphedema and the maintenance of such results by the Godoy & Godoy technique in all stages. The Godoy & Godoy method enables the normalization or near normalization of lymphedema in all clinical stages, including elephantiasis.

PMID:37193422 | PMC:PMC10182716 | DOI:10.7759/cureus.37519

Therapeutic Lymphangiogenesis Is a Promising Strategy for Secondary Lymphedema

Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 24;24(9):7774. doi: 10.3390/ijms24097774.


Secondary lymphedema is caused by lymphatic insufficiency (lymphatic drainage failure) following lymph node dissection during the surgical treatment or radiation therapy of breast or pelvic cancer. The clinical problems associated with lymphedema are reduced quality of life in terms of appearance and function, as well as the development of skin ulcers, recurrent pain, and infection. Currently, countermeasures against lymphedema are mainly physical therapy such as lymphatic massage, elastic stockings, and skin care, and there is no effective and fundamental treatment with a highly recommended grade. Therefore, there is a need for the development of a fundamental novel treatment for intractable lymphedema. Therapeutic lymphangiogenesis, which has been attracting attention in recent years, is a treatment concept that reconstructs the fragmented lymphatic network to recover lymphatic vessel function and is revolutionary to be a fundamental cure. This review focuses on the translational research of therapeutic lymphangiogenesis for lymphedema and outlines the current status and prospects in the development of therapeutic applications.

PMID:37175479 | PMC:PMC10178056 | DOI:10.3390/ijms24097774

Advances in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema

Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2023 Jul;200(1):1-14. doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-06947-7. Epub 2023 Apr 27.


PURPOSE: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) represents a lifelong risk for breast cancer survivors and once acquired becomes a lifelong burden. This review summarizes current BCRL prevention and treatment strategies.

FINDINGS: Risk factors for BCRL have been extensively studied and their identification has affected breast cancer treatment practice, with sentinel lymph node removal now standard of care for patients with early stage breast cancer without sentinel lymph node metastases. Early surveillance and timely management aim to reduce BCRL incidence and progression, and are further facilitated by patient education, which many breast cancer survivors report not having adequately received. Surgical approaches to BCRL prevention include axillary reverse mapping, lymphatic microsurgical preventative healing (LYMPHA) and Simplified LYMPHA (SLYMPHA). Complete decongestive therapy (CDT) remains the standard of care for patients with BCRL. Among CDT components, facilitating manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) using indocyanine green fluorescence lymphography has been proposed. Intermittent pneumatic compression, nonpneumatic active compression devices, and low-level laser therapy appear promising in lymphedema management. Reconstructive microsurgical techniques such as lymphovenous anastomosis and vascular lymph node transfer are growing surgical considerations for patients as well as liposuction-based procedures for addressing fatty fibrosis formation from chronic lymphedema. Long-term self-management adherence remains problematic, and lack of diagnosis and measurement consensus precludes a comparison of outcomes. Currently, no pharmacological approaches have proven successful.

CONCLUSION: Progress in prevention and treatment of BCRL continues, requiring advances in early diagnosis, patient education, expert consensus and novel treatments designed for lymphatic rehabilitation following insults.

PMID:37103598 | PMC:PMC10224871 | DOI:10.1007/s10549-023-06947-7

The Utility of Lymphatic Massage in Cosmetic Procedures

Aesthet Surg J Open Forum. 2023 Feb 28;5:ojad023. doi: 10.1093/asjof/ojad023. eCollection 2023.


Lymphedema is a severe debilitating disease characterized by the accumulation of excessive protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space. Given the severe morbidity associated with this disease process, various surgical and nonsurgical treatment modalities have been developed to attempt to reduce the incidence and symptoms associated with lymphedema. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a component of complete decongestive therapy on-surgical treatment which has demonstrated benefit in reducing the development of lymphedema following surgery. Here we provide a review of literature on MLD and its potential mechanism of action. This paper aims to educate patients, physicians, and surgeons about MLD regarding its efficacy and utility in the treatment paradigm for lymphedema and to translate concepts from the treatment of lymphedema to cosmetic procedures.

PMID:36998743 | PMC:PMC10045879 | DOI:10.1093/asjof/ojad023

The Effectiveness of Fluoroscopy-Guided Manual Lymph Drainage as Part of Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy on the Superficial Lymphatic Architecture in Patients with Breast Cancer-Related Lymphoedema: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Cancers (Basel). 2023 Feb 28;15(5):1545. doi: 10.3390/cancers15051545.


The objective of this trial was to investigate the effectiveness of fluoroscopy-guided manual lymph drainage (MLD), as part of decongestive lymphatic therapy (DLT), on the superficial lymphatic architecture in patients with chronic mild to moderate breast cancer-related lymphoedema (BCRL). This trial was a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial involving 194 participants with BCRL. Participants were randomised into (1) DLT with fluoroscopy-guided MLD (intervention group), (2) DLT with traditional MLD (control group), or (3) DLT with placebo MLD (placebo group). Superficial lymphatic architecture was evaluated as a secondary outcome, visualised by ICG lymphofluoroscopy at the baseline (B0), post-intensive (P), and post-maintenance phases (P6). Variables were (1) number of efferent superficial lymphatic vessels leaving the dermal backflow region, (2) total dermal backflow score, and (3) number of superficial lymph nodes. The traditional MLD group showed a significant decrease in the number of efferent superficial lymphatic vessels at P (p = 0.026), and of the total dermal backflow score at P6 (p = 0.042). The fluoroscopy-guided MLD and placebo group showed significant decreases in the total dermal backflow score at P (p < 0.001 and p = 0.044, respectively) and at P6 (p < 0.001 and p = 0.007, respectively); the placebo MLD group showed a significant decrease in the total number of lymph nodes at P (p = 0.008). However, there were no significant between-group differences for the changes in these variables. In conclusion, based on lymphatic architecture outcomes, the added value of MLD, in addition to the other parts of DLT, could not be demonstrated in patients with chronic mild to moderate BCRL.

PMID:36900336 | PMC:PMC10000864 | DOI:10.3390/cancers15051545