Nancy Wizeman - RN, LMT

Nancy combines therapy to treat the lymphatic system, vagus nerve and the musculoskeletal system, all with manual therapy. These modalities are brought together in a customized treatment for the client's needs .

Manual Lymphatic and Glymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage helps to clear your body of the toxins that have been reported to lead to immune disorders and a lack of wellness. The glial cells are located in your brain. This therapy helps your 'brain to drain' toxins to increase mental clarity and has been reported to decrease neruo-inflammation.

Vagus Nerve Therapy

Vagus Nerve Therapy uses several manual techniques and EStim (Electrical Stimulation) Therapy to relax the soft tissue surrounding the vagus nerve as it exits the skull and runs down the front side of the torso and abdomen. This decreases your stress response which in-turn decreases inflammation. Click the icon above for more information on vagus nerve stimulation.

Massage Therapy

In any treatment of neuromuscular message, I use a combination of the collection of treatments that we offer to mitigate or remove pain.

Dolphin Neurostim and MPS therapy

This is an acupressure treatment using a small current to decrease muscle tension, and inflammation. Click the icon to learn more.

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